Uncomfortable, dread, electric shocks through your system. Anxiety presents itself in many, many ways. We all feel anxiety differently. But one thing is for certain…it’s hell on earth. I mean, when it’s bad it’s BAD.

However, I’ve learned to listen to it. To recognize it as a warning sign that something is not right. I no longer tell myself I’m broken, but that I’m sensitive enough to sense my spirit is “off”. I no longer have an instinctive action of shoving the pain down and hiding from it. I have recognized the way it can teach me…teach all of us.

If we learn to listen to our body instead of ignoring it, it can show us beautiful things (of course, this is easy to say having no anxious feelings right now. Ask me on a bad day and I’ll tell you I hate it and it’s evil). But now, having a clear mind, I can see everything the pain has taught me. And I’m thankful for the lessons.

Most of all, if you experience anxiety, know you are not alone. You are never alone. You’re not crazy-your body is simply talking to you in a way our society doesn’t recognize yet. Reach out to us, to a friend or family member, to a therapist (Wellspring Group in New Brighton, MN), support group (NAMI, Open Door) or call the Suicide Prevention Hotline  or Mental Health Hotline for free, confidential, 24 hr safe support.

I wish you all love, understanding and peace.


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