Being sick happens and can actually be a sign that our immune system is working. However, it can be a huge bummer and put a damper on our day (or week!) especially if we get sick often.
At VAMT, we practice many ways to keep a healthy body and immune system. Let’s take a closer look:
Food therapy
Adding in soup to your diet is an easy way to keep healthy. Start with a bone broth (or vegetable broth) base, throw in protein of your choice and add in immune-boosting and anti-viral items like garlic, ginger, green onion, white onion and cinnamon bark, just to name a few. Life hack: It’s easy to make soup in bulk and freeze single servings. Then, grab and defrost in warm water bath and heat up on stove.
Ginger tea
Ginger is known in Chinese Medicine for helping out our digestive tract-where so much of our immunity comes from. It’s also know to “expel cold”, aka, to fight off a common cold. So it’s awesome to use as a preventative measure. One easy way to enjoy ginger is in a warm tea. Life hack: Try grating your own fresh ginger, add water and freeze in an ice cube tray
Eat foods that are in-season
We were meant to eat off the land. Try doing some research about the area you live in, and what would naturally grow around there and in what season. An easy way to start implementing seasonal eating:
Eat more cold foods in the summer
- Raw fruits
- Raw vegetables
- A variety of salads
- Food from trees and bushes that we would naturally be available in the summer
Eat more warm foods in the winter
- Soups
- Cooked fruits
- Cooked vegetables
- Animal produce
- Food that comes from the ground that we would harvest in the fall and would survive the cold months
Massage is know for increasing circulation, lymph drainage, general relaxation, and more. All of these things correlate to the immune system.
Chinese Medicine is well-known for it’s energy-balancing ways. This system of medicine works to bring harmony to the body. One thing a harmonious body has? Immunity! Things like needles, herbs and moxabustion can all help boost immunity and fight off common colds and flus. Questions about how this works? Give us a call!
Thank you for stopping by this week. We appreciate your interaction and would love to hear from you. Please comment bellow to continue the discussion. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, call us at 651-756-8525 or visit us at
Until next time,
Rachel, Licensed Acupuncturist at VAMT

Rachel was born and raised in St.Paul, MN, where she currently lives with her husband, Chris. She graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences in 2017 with her Masters in Chinese Medicine. Rachel found Chinese medicine on a journey to understand and tend to her own anxiety and depression and now has a passion for helping others who experience a similar reality. She enjoys treating a wide variety of conditions and welcomes anyone looking for healing.