Low back pain. We see a lot of it in our office. And it’s no wonder as it’s the most common medical condition for which people use complementary and alternative medicine practices, such as massage therapy and acupuncture. It’s also simply an incredibly common condition here in the US. About 80% of adults will experience low back pain sometime in their life.
We will start off this topic with reviewing some common questions surrounding low back pain. Then, come back each week this month, for a more in-depth look at how massage therapy and acupuncture can help!
Low back pain FAQ
What is it?
If you’ve experienced it, you may be laughing. It’s pain in my back, of course! But, what IS it exactly? Depending on your specific case and who you talk you, you will receive different answers: A misalignment of your vertebra or spine, a pinched nerve, underlying medical conditions, tight muscles, stress or stagnation in the body. We believe it could be due to all of that, and more. For more information on what causes this type of pain, visit NIAMS and the Mayo Clinic.
How can I get rid of it?
It’s a frustrating pain, right? As with the question above, this answer will depend on what is causing your pain, and who you talk to. We believe in a holistic approach to any condition. First, you always want to rule out underlying medical conditions, so seeing your general practitioner is a great place to start. Then, even if you find it is an underlying medical condition, we recommend approaching your pain from several different avenues, not only with your general practitioner. Here are some of our suggestions:
-Massage therapy:
For most pain, massage is a wonderful way to relieve muscle tightness and fascia, break up scar tissue, help promote circulation and relax the body. Simply calming the body and mind down can lessen pain in as little as a few seconds.
-Chiropractic care:
Especially if your pain is from a misalignment of bones in your spine or anywhere else for that matter, chiropractic care is key. Your bones can move out of place the second you are born! Getting them back into their proper spot is incredibly important in the treatment of certain pain conditions.
Stagnation is the word. In Chinese Medicine, stagnation is simply a build up of something that shouldn’t be there. This can look like lots of different symptoms. The most common are stress and pain. Placing needles in the body helps to relieve that stagnation by stimulating your nerve dendrites (the part of the nerve that sends a signal to other nerves) and tells them “hey! I have pain here and I need some help! Do something, would ya?”
Food. Make sure your diet is balanced. Upping your intake of fruits and vegetables is always a good place to start as we lack that in the American diet. Also, try your best to stay away from added sugars. Sugar is a know inflammatory which means it swells things inside your body. When swelling occurs, pain is usually right around the corner. Also, make sure you’re drinking enough water. Water helps with so many functions of the body and when you’re in pain, the last thing you need is another ‘something’ not functioning correctly.
Calcium? Magnesium? Collagen? Sometimes your pain is due to a lack of a certain vitamin, mineral or substance. Our chiropractors are well-trained in helping you identify these deficiencies and can suggest the right supplement(s) for you.
What can I do at home for my back pain?
There are so many things you can do on your own, in-between seeing your practitioners. We recommend adopting a habit of self-care to help you arrive at relief as soon as possible:
-Eating healthy:
Staying on-top of your nutrition and taking proper supplements is something easily done at home.
-Stretching, meditation and yoga:
These three things can do wonders for not just pain, but many imbalances in the body. Taking a class or watching a Youtube video can start you off to a good practice.
This is recommended to help keep your muscles strong, firing properly and getting blood flow and oxygen to the area of pain. Your chiropractor or Physical Therapist can help you come up with a list of exercises specifically for your pain.
-Stretching tools:
These are things such as a foam-roller or Lacrosse ball. These tools help massage the area of pain, release tension and bring blood flow and oxygen back.
We can help!
Lastly, if you are experiencing these symptoms, know that we understand how frustrating it can be, both physically and mentally. You are not alone and there is help! Please contact VAMT today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!