I’ve searched the internet for awesome videos regarding menopause. One of my favorite ways to learn about a subject is watching videos…that’s how I survived grad school!
Dive in to broaden your horizons on the evolution of menopause, the things no one ever talks about and all things vagina. Enjoy!
What is the deal? Why does it actually happen? Why don’t women live their entire lives fully equip to procreate? The SciHow guys dig deep into this topic.
A little misunderstanding
Feeling alone? Think you’re the only one who experiences certain things during this time in your life? Think again. Shirley talks about her experience and shares things that happened in hopes that other women will feel connected and no longer alone.
6 common vaginal problems during menopause
Do you cringe when you hear the word “vagina”? If so, this video is not for you. However, if you are OK with this word, and can even handle “moist” and “mucus”, watch on. A.Vogel goes into the anatomy and physiology of the vagina and the possibilities of imbalances as women loose their ability to have children. She’ll talk about vaginal dryness, odd smells, pain during intercourse, etc. Think of this video as Health Class 101.
This Youtube channel is devoted to educating women about their bodies. If you’re interested, I highly encourage you to check out their channel. Link below.
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Until next time!
Rachel, Licensed Acupuncturist at VAMT

Rachel was born and raised in St.Paul, MN, where she currently lives with her husband, Chris and Shih Zhu, Stewie. She graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences in 2017 with her Masters in Chinese Medicine. Rachel found Chinese medicine on a journey to understand and tend to her own anxiety and depression and now has a passion for helping others who experience a similar reality. She enjoys treating a wide variety of conditions and welcomes anyone looking for care.
Sources: www.everydayhealth.com Scishow TedTalk: Menopause is misunderstood A.Vogel